Expected Result MA || Result of MA 2020 || Admission Forms Confirmation || رزلٹ کب أٸیگا؟

Описание к видео Expected Result MA || Result of MA 2020 || Admission Forms Confirmation || رزلٹ کب أٸیگا؟

Dear Friends,
This video is about the expected result of University of Sargodha and Admission Confirmation 1st annual 2021.
My name is Mushtaq kharal from Teh.Jatoi Distt Muzaffar Garh Province Punjab Pakistan.I worked as principal of Princeton College Jatoi more than 20 years.I also taught classes of master subjects of M.A.English, M.A.Urdu,M.A International Relations and LLB.My videos are mostly about education and knowledge.I touched the subjects of M.A.English ,Urdu, international Relations, Mass Communication, Social psychology and Law.I have done masters in these subjects.I got 11 gold medals in my life career.I also received more than 70 Certificates of Honours and Merit Certificate.I wrote eleven books in English and Urdu.Now a days i am translating Allama Iqbal poetry in English.You can follow me at
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