Narrows of the Green

Описание к видео Narrows of the Green

There is one river that stands apart. One river looms as the Holy Grail of Class V Creeking. It occupies the deep pockets of a kayakers mind. Boaters that have never come here can never escape its presence. Boaters that have will never forget it. Boaters that make it down in one piece enter into a kinship with all that have come before and stand as a beacon to all that will come after. "Have you run the narrows?" Whether rightly so or not, no other question categorizes whitewater kayakers one from another as sharply. While I have run a lot of rivers, some steeper, some harder, some bigger, I have long been haunted by this question...Come along as I pick up some unfinished business and finally take on the Green River Narrows...

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