Shedding Light on PICC: A Condition Associated with Visual Defects in People with Short-sightedness

Описание к видео Shedding Light on PICC: A Condition Associated with Visual Defects in People with Short-sightedness

Peripapillary intra-choroidal cavitation – or PICC – is a lesion that occurs at the back of the eye. This lesion is much more common in people with short-sightedness. PICC lesions occur around an area called the optic disc, where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball. While PICC is considered benign, it is frequently associated with visual defects resembling those seen in glaucoma, leading to diagnostic confusion. There is a need to better understand the condition to chart a path forward. Professor Adèle Ehongo and Dr Noélie Bacq of Erasmus Hospital in Brussels have written a review covering the latest data on PICC. Their goal is to pave the way for a greater understanding of PICC and its associated changes, to aid the development of new treatments.


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