Stream from real bunker from Tarkov like place. Game Items IRL | Coaching Tarkov

Описание к видео Stream from real bunker from Tarkov like place. Game Items IRL | Coaching Tarkov

Hello there guys,
You can call me Bobi or just Bob, I wasn’t able to get this specific name, so I tried looking for some variation of it, but all the bobs are already taken, so I’ve ended up as Bobuubi.

The Tarkov Academy project was initiated by me and a few friends I met along the way. We’re still working on it and we have a big vision for where to go. We are still actively looking for more help from Tarkov lovers to help us build it, as this project will take a lot of manpower. I wish to apologize for the visual and sometimes technical quality of our content and creations, as our funds are slim to nonexistent and we are doing all the legwork ourselves. Any support is greatly appreciated, you can do so through our Patreon or stream donation, just make sure that you include in the donation note that it is Academy support or anything distinguishable if you do wish to help us out.

Yes, I’m streaming from a real bunker and no, it’s not my room or basement. Yes, the stream is the only source of income for my family to survive and I’m trying best as I cannot fail them. I’m in a military storage unit on the eastern edge of Ukraine close to the ongoing conflict in Donbas. You might have heard about it over the last few years. I do not support either side. I’m just sorry for those who lost their health, relatives, lives, or anything else in this conflict. I’m not Ukrainian or Russian. I actually was born in Poland but I’ve spent most of my life abroad. I came to Ukraine many years ago to set the foundations for investment by a western capital group.

The location of the bunker and limitations of mobile internet might be easily avoidable in normal streaming conditions, but this is my only option. I’m sorry for this. I’m trying my best to keep the stream at the highest possible quality for everyone. Occasionally my stream is interrupted, due to the mobile internet connection. Please stay with us as this issue usually is solved in a few minutes.

I have some items from Escape from Tarkov in real life. Starting with the document case, golden star balm, aluminum splints, condensed milk, Black Lynx jacket and an esmarch tourniquet for heavy bleeding and many more hopefully along the way. My favorite one is the SICC Case. I’ve ordered it, but I’m still waiting. Shipping anything to Ukraine takes ages.

You will be able to find some photos and stuff from my real Hideout on my Instagram, Facebook or my Twitter. Hope to see you soon on our live streams on Twitch and Facebook.

How I ended up here and how it all started?

My first few years in Ukraine were just fine. I was able to establish a company, obtain needed permits, licenses, and prepare for larger investment in the region. While I was working at all that. I fell in love with a girl from here and ended up married. We started a family and now we have two daughters. We never thought this war would last so long and take so many lives. I was just waiting for it to be over, as time dragged on, I couldn’t maintain the business with no income. Unfortunately the final blow was the coronavirus. Investors used a force majeure clause of the agreement to cancel the initial deal and leave me without any chances to recover from it.

I was using Escape from Tarkov as an anti-depression tool for the last five years just to help detach from reality and try to enjoy myself, all the while the war was consuming victims. One day, my friends with whom I was playing, gave me the idea to start streaming for a living. They funded my first month of survival as a streamer and helped me with most of the stuff you see in the stream. They showed me how to set up the stream and help me with my first moments of being “live” ever.

From day one I knew that I could not stream from home due to the small apartment and the girls living in it. I was giving them a hard time sleeping with all the noise, not to mention how the young children don’t make a good background for a stream. We couldn’t find a cheap place to stream as even renting a garage was more than 100 USD a month, And we straight up could not afford that. I was lucky that my wife has a military family, so her uncle was able to help us rent an underground military storage unit from a military compound approximately 30Km from our home. I usually stay in the hideout for 3 days. I can only take so much supplies with me at a time before they spoil, and with my car breaking down recently: even less so. Every few days I’m able to go home for a few hours and see my family. Take food and other supplies, use a proper bathroom and toilet, and by end of the day, I’m back in a bunker trying to create some quality content in the hope of a better tomorrow for my family.

My family and I thank you all who supported me in any form or shape in my journey. Thank you, my dear viewers, and fans. We only made it this far thanks to you and your support. From the bottom of our hearts with love and admiration THANK YOU ALL! We made it so far only thank to You all.


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