Genius idea!!! | make tool without any power tools

Описание к видео Genius idea!!! | make tool without any power tools

Amazing tool | amazing idea |
In this video i have use a door hinge to make a tool that cane be used for holding small tools, blades, sand paper to work at narrow places
Be Creative.
Welcome To My Channel (Be Creative) in our workshop you can find many things related to metalworking and woodworking and some experiments too.

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*Be Creative:-   / be_creative_do_something  
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*Be Creative:-
*Video Creator:-   / shailendra1994  

Tik Tok:
*Be Creative:- @be_creative_do_something
*Video Creative:-@shailendra_patel

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*We teach to make DIY Tools
*Woodworking tool
*hand tool
*DIY tool
*DRill hack
*Angle grinder
*Genius idea
*amazing tool
*Unique Tool
*How to make
*nut and bolt

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Our Video is made who are not able to by tools you can try to make by yourself only if you are experienced and know how to use the hand tools.
But the videos which are experimental are only for entertainment and educational purpose only.
So don't try this in your home.
And if your trying to make any of the tools make sure to wear a safety gear and it will be on your own risk.


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