The "Casino Royale" (1967) Comedy Dining Experience - Feature Commentary

Описание к видео The "Casino Royale" (1967) Comedy Dining Experience - Feature Commentary

In our ongoing attempt to Watch ALL the James Bond movies, Dan and Ben Decide to take a quick pit stop to tie off 60's Bond, the Connery Era AND the last of their patience as we take a deep dive into the 1967 Quasi nonsense Bond event of the century "Casino Royale" (Not the good one) Starring every actor alive in 1967 and possibly more! so pop up some popcorn and get down to 400 different James Bond, No clear plot and a hell of a soundtrack! as we take the deep dive feature commentary you've all not been asking for!

NOTE: Unfortunately for some reason I literally cant figure out either my side or Bens side of the recording for this commentary slowly but surely kept drifting in and out of synch on playback (It's fine for the first 10-20 minutes, then over the following 30 minutes it slowly drifts waaaaaay out of synch before slowly drifting back into synch over the following 40 minutes from that!) No idea why it's done that, I've tried to fix it as best as I could but there is inevitably some bits where the commentary is just...way off. like I say; we've tried out best to fix this.'s the best we can do...I may try and revisit it at some point...

00:00 - Intro
02:27 - Synch Point

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Synopsis: ???


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