【純淨素食】揪片两吃~湯麵&拌麵|Two Ways – Hand-Pulled Soup & Spicy Noodles|不同口味一次滿足|Vegan| |Healthy & Delicious

Описание к видео 【純淨素食】揪片两吃~湯麵&拌麵|Two Ways – Hand-Pulled Soup & Spicy Noodles|不同口味一次滿足|Vegan| |Healthy & Delicious

Hello everyone, I'm Joanne. In today's video, I'll show you how to make a versatile noodle dish that you can enjoy two ways: a hearty Vegan Hand-Pulled Noodle Soup or a flavorful Spicy Vegan Noodles. We've added chia seeds to give the noodles a unique texture and boost their nutritional value. With just one batch of dough, you can satisfy both soup and dry noodle lovers in your family. This simple, homemade vegan recipe is packed with healthy vegetables and delicious flavors. Come and give it a try!

【純素揪片湯麵|Vegan Hand-Pulled Noodle Soup】
• 麵粉300克(3-4人份)|Flour, 300g (serves 3-4)
• 奇亞籽2湯匙|Chia seeds, 2 tablespoons
• 鹽1茶匙|Salt, 1 teaspoon
• 水160克|Water, 160g
蔬菜湯|Vegetable Soup:
• 香菇5朵|Shiitake mushrooms, 5 pieces
• 番茄2個約300克|Tomatoes, 2 pcs (about 300g)
• 罐頭番茄碎1罐|Canned crushed tomatoes, 1 can
• 青紅椒各半個|Green and red bell peppers, half each
• 土豆1個約200克|Potato, 1 pc (about 200g)
• 扁豆角1把約120克|Flat beans, a handful (about 120g)
• 西蘭花1朵|Broccoli, 1 head
• 其他蔬菜(任選)|Other vegetables (optional)
• 油1湯匙|Oil, 1 tablespoon
• 生抽2湯匙|Light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons
• 薑片30克|Ginger slices, 30g
• 香菜/香芹1大根|Coriander or parsley, 1 large bunch
• 花椒粉1-2茶匙|Sichuan pepper powder, 1-2 teaspoons
• 蘑菇粉1-2茶匙|Mushroom powder, 1-2 teaspoons
• 白胡椒粉1-3茶匙|White pepper powder, 1-3 teaspoons
• 香油幾滴|A few drops of sesame oil
• 鹽適量|Salt, to taste

製作過程|Preparation Process:
1. 麵團製作: 在大碗中,加入麵粉,鹽,奇亞籽,慢慢加入水,用筷子攪拌直至絮狀,再用手揉成麵團。讓麵團靜置30分鐘|Dough preparation: In a large bowl, combine flour, salt, chia seeds, and gradually add water while stirring with chopsticks until crumbly. Then knead by hand into a dough. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
2. 蔬菜準備與製作: 所有蔬菜洗淨並切成適合的大小。香菇、姜切片。番茄、青紅椒切小丁。土豆切片、扁豆角切段|Vegetable preparation: Wash all vegetables and cut into appropriate sizes. Remove stems from mushrooms and slice. Cut tomatoes and bell peppers into chunks. Slice potatoes and flat beans.
3. 在鍋中加熱油,加入薑片、香菇和花椒粉炒香,放入綠色蔬菜炒至斷生,用生抽和蘑菇粉調味,加入番茄丁、番茄碎和足夠的水煮沸|Heat oil in a pot, sauté ginger slices and mushrooms with Sichuan pepper until fragrant. Add green vegetables and stir-fry until crisp-tender. Season with soy sauce and mushroom powder, then add chopped and crushed tomatoes with sufficient water and bring to a boil.
4. 從水盆裡取一小塊麵團,用手邊捏邊拉,揪成麵片,放入煮沸的蔬菜湯中,煮至麵片浮起即可,約3-5分鐘|Take a small piece of dough from the water, knead and stretch by hand to form noodle sheets, and add to the boiling vegetable soup. Cook until the noodle sheets float to the surface, about 3-5 minutes.
5. 將煮好的湯和麵條倒入碗中,撒上新鮮的香菜或香芹,最後滴幾滴香油即可上桌|Finishing and plating: Pour the cooked soup and noodles into bowls, sprinkle with fresh coriander or parsley, and finally add a few drops of sesame oil before serving.

【純素酸辣拌揪片|Vegan Spicy Hand-Pulled Noodles】
• 麵粉 300 克(3-4 人份)|Flour, 300g (serves 3-4)
• 奇亞籽 2 湯匙|Chia seeds, 2 tablespoons
• 鹽 1 茶匙|Salt, 1 teaspoon
• 水 160 克|Water, 160g
• 香菇 5 朵|Shiitake mushrooms, 5 pieces
• 青紅椒各半個|Half each of green and red bell peppers
• 油菜 6 顆|6 bok choy leaves
• 蘆筍 100 克|Asparagus, 100g
• 綠豆芽 200 克|Mung bean sprouts, 200g
• 其他蔬菜適量|Other vegetables, as needed
• 酸豆角 60 克|Sour beans, 60g
• 豆豉 20 克|Fermented black beans, 20g
• 薑泥 2 茶匙|Ginger paste, 2 teaspoons
• 粗辣椒粉 2 茶匙|Coarse chili powder, 2 teaspoons
• 生抽 4 湯匙|Light soy sauce, 4 tablespoons
• 老陳醋 4 湯匙|Aged vinegar, 4 tablespoons
• 楓糖漿 3 茶匙|Maple syrup, 3 teaspoons
• 花椒油 1 茶匙|Sichuan peppercorn oil, 1 teaspoon
• 油 適量|Adequate amount of oil
製作過程|Preparation Process:
1. 取出靜置的麵糰,在面板上擀薄,用刀切成長條,放入盆里的水中,靜置備用|Roll out the rested dough on a cutting board, slice into strips, and place in a basin of water.
2. 青紅椒切丁;酸豆角、香菇切丁,豆豉切碎|Boil half a pot of water, blanch vegetables and mung bean sprouts; dice bell peppers, sour beans, and mushrooms, and chop fermented black beans.
3. 鍋中燒油,下入辣椒粉、薑泥、香菇碎、豆豉碎中小火翻炒,直至香菇焦黃,接著下酸豆角炒香,關火,加入生抽、老陳醋、楓糖漿拌勻之後,盛出備用|Heat oil in a pan, stir-fry chili powder, ginger paste, chopped mushrooms, and black beans over medium heat until mushrooms are golden. Add sour beans, stir until aromatic, then turn off the heat. Mix in soy sauce, vinegar, and maple syrup, then set aside.
4. 鍋中加半鍋水煮開,青菜、豆芽焯水撈出備用;
5. 用手指在水盆中把粗麵條捏扁再一邊捏一邊拉長,不要拉太薄,放進開水鍋中,重複這個動作,直到所有麵條都被放進開水鍋中,煮熟,約5-8分鐘|Flatten and elongate the thick noodles with your fingers in the water, being careful not to make them too thin. Repeat until all noodles are in the boiling water. Cook for 5-8 minutes.
6. 把面撈出,擺放青菜在面上,接著擺放豆芽|Remove the noodles, place vegetables on top, followed by mung bean sprouts.
7. 最後澆上剛剛煮好的酸豆角醬料|Finally, pour the freshly made pickled bean sauce over the noodles.

這兩道麵食菜量不限,可少可多,大家根據冰箱裡的菜品調整即可|The quantity of ingredients for these two noodle dishes is flexible. Adjust according to the vegetables you have available in your refrigerator.

0:00 簡介
0:23 純素揪片湯麵
2:14 蔬菜湯
5:21 揪片
6:28 純素酸辣拌揪片
6:51 製作拌料


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