How To Tell If A Woman Is Checking You Out! (LOOK OUT FOR THESE 13 SUBTLE SIGNS)

Описание к видео How To Tell If A Woman Is Checking You Out! (LOOK OUT FOR THESE 13 SUBTLE SIGNS)

Learn how to tell if she's checking you out. How can you tell if a woman is checking you out? Believe it or not, women do check men out. There are signs you can look out for to tell if a woman likes you and is interested in you and what you have to offer. You'll want to pay attention to her body language and the way she acts, as well as how she behaves around her friends. Stay tuned to learn more about these signs she's into you and checking you out.

Yup, you read the title right. Women do check out guys and despite what you think, they will make it a lot less obvious than when a guy checks out a girl. She is able to fully check you out from head to toe without you even realizing. Well that is unless you know the signs from today's video.

#Joyanima #Flirting #Dating

0:00 Intro
0:20 How to tell if a girl is checking you out
0:28 Her feet are pointing towards you
0:48 Her pupils are dilated
1:08 She acts different around other women
1:47 She looks at you when she laughs
2:06 She moves her hair over her shoulder
2:41 You both lock eyes
3:10 She is conscious of her looks
3:41 She moves in close to you
3:57 She giggles with her friends
4:16 Trust your gut on this one
4:45 She glances then looks away
5:05 She always compliments you
5:22 She checks out your social media

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