Free Content vs Paid Content? Content Marketing Strategies

Описание к видео Free Content vs Paid Content? Content Marketing Strategies

How much free content vs paid content should you be sharing with your yoga community?

Having worked with plenty of yoga teachers, there is a belief that if you share all of your knowledge for free, then why will someone pay you?

Or if you educate your audience on the topics that you want to teach inside your online course, then you'll have given it all for free.

This is a misconception, meaning that if you give away some of your best content for free, you’re going to make fewer sales or get fewer paying students. In reality, it’s the opposite.

That's why it's so incredibly important to have content marketing strategies within your business model, that provide value whilst building a profitable yoga business at the same time.

This video covers:

🌟 Why sharing VALUABLE content over your BEST content will help you more
🌟 Why implementing a content strategy is important
🌟 What type of content you should be sharing
🌟 The importance of knowing what your ideal students want from you
🌟 Growing your community

🌟 Digital Yoga Academy 🌟

Digital Yoga Academy is an Online Yoga Business School, teaching yoga teachers essential business and marketing skills. Powerful business skills that you're not taught in yoga teacher training!

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More resources to help you on your yoga teaching Journey:

🌟 Blog:
🌟 Online courses (sign-up to receive free resources!):
🌟 The Yogipreneur Podcast:

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