Day to day Progress: inking comics

Описание к видео Day to day Progress: inking comics

I have been working on a comic book project, that I cannot disclose at the moment. But I can show you some of the work as long as I don't give away the story or plot. So I made this video to show some of my inking day to day. If you have any questions regarding the tools that I use or what is used for inking comics in general leave me a message and I will answer your questions.
On this video I am inking on Stratmore Bristol board size 11 X 17. Used copic Multiliners size .7, .3, .05. The brush pen was a Pentel Color Brush (black ink)
I refill all my pens using a combination of KOH-I_NOR, Bombay, Speedball & Dr. Ph. Martins ink. to get the desired black finish I like.
This panel took me close to 2hrs to do, the video was sped up to about 11 minutes. Yes, I wish I could draw and ink that fast...
Hope you enjoy!!!!!
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The soundtrack :
Aberration by Nihilore   / nihilore  
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