Описание к видео LPS 1/4 Casting Call *OPEN* ELEMENT CHRONICLES

Hello everyone! This is 1/4 parts of the casting call.
The story isn’t for everyone so if you are triggered easily or are stumbling with things, this series may not be for you.
Music in the video isn’t mine, I do not claim. (SOFIA ISELLA- Cacao and Cocaine)
Due date is July 1st.
Auditions can be through YT or email.
[email protected]
Insta- https://www.instagram.com/lps_hintomo...

It takes place in a school with kids who aren’t like others. The world shifted when the first three kids came out with their powers. At first it was balanced but over time it started to crumple along with the kids friendship. Recent time people decided to create a school for these kids to accept who they are rather than lurk in the shadows. Though many have failed to control their abilities, this being sentenced to a continuation school that is more “at home”.
Hinto (the main character) is just starting along with a couple other kids. Yet what they discover could be more disturbing than meets the eye. The secrets that they share the night of the discover will haunt them the rest of their lives. Yet deep down they know there are more secrets that meet the eye and many that turn a blind eye, what else is the school hiding aside from what they already know.

Hinto: (Semi deep voice, Male)
“No really, what could I possibly want more than to go?” (Sarcastic/ mildly annoyed)
“Look we all know what we saw. We just have to present it never happened” (Cold/ slightly panicked)

Selena: (High pitch voice, Female)
“Look who came back from camp, don’t look so down Luke” (Excited/ mocking)
“Don’t tell me to calm down!! Why aren’t you freaking out? Didn’t you see her??” (Sacred/ upset)

Luke: (Scratchy voice, Male)
“Get off with your pink throw up parade, I’m allergic” (Tired/irritated)
“Agreed, this year is gonna be hell” (casual/sluggish)

Isis: (Raspy voice, Female)
“Guys! Wait we don’t know what’s down there” (Unsure/worried)
“I didn’t ask for this, your on your own” (Upset/angry)

Sapphire: (British accent, Female)
“Don’t listen to him, I think you look amazing as always” (Cheerful/friendly)
“There’s something the guys want to do I guess, you down?” (Casual/ unsure)

Cody: (Semi deep voice, Male)
“I’ve never seen him without black on, so I don’t know what you mean” (Questioning/ casual)
cough “looks like it hasn’t been used for a while” (catching breath/ curious)

Max: (Deep Voice, Male)
“I know what I said. I meant it alright?!” (Tired/ irritated)
“You asked me to drive and I did, get out now please” (sarcastic/ mocking)

Flame: (Squeaky voice, Gender Neutral)
“You got this, your the boss, you got this” (encouraging/whispering)
“I can do it alright, just give me a little more time!” (Pleading/upset)

Mr. PC: (Middle aged voice, Male)
“Well how did it go?” (Excited/ friendly)
“Kid, you can’t let them tear you down, they just don’t have the guts like you do to keep trying” (Encouraging/ caring)

Mrs, PC: (Middle aged voice, Female)
“Hon, Flames in and he doesn’t look too happy” (Whisper/ caring)
“Oh honny, I’ll go get him, you stay right there” (caring/ worried)

Ghost: (Deep Voice/ British accent, Male)
“If I have to stay here one more day. I’m done” (whisper/ irritated)
“Well look who we have here, I think it’s our lucky day” (conniving/ mocking)

Casper: (Deep Voice/British accent, Male)
“Let it go, dad said one more time and that’s it” (whisper/ upset)
“It’s gonna be fun indeed, how should be start, with your face or limbs” (conniving/ mocking)

Spot: (Child voice, Male)
“You shouldn’t be able to see him, didn’t get the time wrong?” (Panicked/ worried)
“Wake up! Wake up now before something worse happens!!” (Concerned/ panicked)

Glacier: (High pitched voice, Female)
“Didn’t I tell you mom put it outside by the shed” (annoyed/ focused)
“Not my problem, be a big kid for once and go outside” (annoyed/ irritated)

Spade: (Young adult, Male)
“Don’t get any ideas on this, you know how bad coach wants to get rid of me” (stern/ focused)
“Question is… what do we say when they ask where we all went?” (Questioning/ worried)


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