Kanaka Waiwai with Randy & Gay Hongo

Описание к видео Kanaka Waiwai with Randy & Gay Hongo

Mahalo to Uncle Randy and Aunty Gay Hongo for visiting our hula class on Monday night! It was a beautiful night of sharing...they played a few of their mele for us and we danced a few mele for them and together we worked on a new hula to "Iesu me ke Kanaka Waiwai." (Credit for composing this song is given to Johnny Almeida and it is a mele based on the parable from Matthew 19:16-24. "It is easier for a camel to go through the needle's eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.") To our dear friends, The Hongos: Mahalo piha for sharing your aloha with us! It was one of those special nights that we (and especially our kupuna) will remember for a long time to come! Mahalo for leaving us with your kind spirit as well as your CD "Lord of the Islands." We wish you continued blessings on your tour here on the continent and a safe return home. Iesu pu!


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