Audio Book Agatha Christie's: The Incredible Theft

Описание к видео Audio Book Agatha Christie's: The Incredible Theft

The Incredible Theft: A Poirot Mystery Unfolds

In an atmosphere thick with political tension and intrigue, a house party hosted by Lord Mayfield sets the stage for a gripping tale of deception and espionage. Lord Mayfield, a rising politician with immense wealth earned through his engineering brilliance, invites a select group of influential figures to his home. Among the guests are Air Marshal Sir George Carrington, his wife Lady Julia, their son Reggie, Mrs. Vanderlyn, a stunning American brunette with a mysterious aura, and Mrs. Macatta, a no-nonsense Member of Parliament. Completing the ensemble is Mr. Carlile, Lord Mayfield’s trusted secretary.

The evening's true purpose becomes clear when, after dinner, only Lord Mayfield and Sir George remain. The two discuss highly confidential plans for a new fighter aircraft that could secure Britain's air supremacy. Aware of Mrs. Vanderlyn's dubious connections to espionage, Lord Mayfield has cleverly lured her to this gathering, hoping to tempt her with the aircraft plans and ultimately trap her.

As the night deepens, all the guests retire to bed, except for Lord Mayfield and Sir George, who continue their discussions. Carlile is sent to retrieve the fighter plans from the study safe. On his way, he crosses paths with Mrs. Vanderlyn, who claims she needs her handbag. Shortly after, while walking along the terrace, Lord Mayfield notices a shadowy figure slipping out of the study through the French windows. Sir George, however, sees nothing amiss. When they rush inside, they find Carlile holding some documents, but the critical plans are missing.

Carlile is adamant that the plans were in the safe and insists he placed them on the table. He was momentarily distracted when he heard a woman’s scream in the hallway. Rushing out, he discovered Leonie, Mrs. Vanderlyn’s maid, in a state of distress, claiming to have seen a ghost. Carlile swears that he did not leave the study at any other time. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Sir George immediately suggests summoning Hercule Poirot.

Poirot arrives in the dead of night and begins his investigation. Examining the terrace, he quickly notes that no footprints are visible, meaning the culprit is likely someone within the house. As he questions the guests, it becomes clear that Leonie’s scream was not caused by a ghost but by Reggie sneaking up to steal a kiss. With all the guests accounted for at the time of the theft except for Carlile and Lord Mayfield, Poirot focuses his attention on these two.

Poirot suggests that the house party be promptly ended so the guests can leave. As they prepare to depart the next morning, Lady Julia privately approaches Poirot, suspecting her son Reggie of the theft, as he is in dire financial straits and was unaccounted for at the critical moment. She proposes that the plans will be returned within twelve hours if no further action is taken. Poirot agrees, but he knows Reggie is innocent, having spent the time in question with Leonie.

The real thief is soon revealed. Carlile, despite having access to the plans, is not the culprit. Instead, Poirot uncovers that Lord Mayfield himself took the documents. His motive? Years earlier, Lord Mayfield denied being involved in negotiations with a hostile foreign power, but in truth, he was engaged in such talks and is now being blackmailed. Mrs. Vanderlyn is the agent through whom the blackmail is carried out. However, Poirot suspects that Lord Mayfield handed her subtly altered plans designed to render the aircraft non-functional. Confronted with the truth, Lord Mayfield confesses but insists that his actions were motivated by a desire to keep Britain on the path to victory in the looming world crisis.

This intriguing web of deceit concludes with Poirot's triumph in solving yet another complex mystery, exposing how even the most trusted figures can be embroiled in dangerous plots.

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