Heavy GLs Are Still The DPS King | Destiny 2

Описание к видео Heavy GLs Are Still The DPS King | Destiny 2

Destiny 2 The Final Shape | Episode Revenant
What is the best way to deal good damage in episode revenant? I believe it has to be heavy grenade launchers. With the support they have received in new perks such as envious arsenal, artefact mods such as kinetic impacts and even an exotic revived from the dead in The Prospector there is a lot of reasons to use them.
Prospector has had its exotic effect changed to spawn explosive submunitions with each shot fired. At base these can increase its damage by up to 60% if they all hit the same target. This huge increase combined with the fact it has an abnormally large reserves of 37 make it a great mag dump style heavy weapon that will deal consistent high damage.
Envious arsenal is a new perk which is the upgrade to auto-loading holster or envious assassin. Dealing damage with your other 2 weapons will reload this one. Making it perfect for bait and switch rotations or cascade point. Both new heavy gls bitter/sweet and wicked sister roll with all of these mentioned perks.

Prospector: 0:00
Why It's So Good: 0:44
Envious Arsenal: 1:42
Kinetic Impacts: 2:50
Facet of Command: 3:50


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