Farm update 294 New drill arrives, Vaderstad Top Down demo, spray off Beans, SFI crops established.

Описание к видео Farm update 294 New drill arrives, Vaderstad Top Down demo, spray off Beans, SFI crops established.

A new drill arrives which has been purchased through the Farming and Equipment Technology Fund. I describe this in detail and we see the drill being brought off the lorry with the 8RX.

The ground is still very hard because we keep missing all the rains and our trusted Simba Solo is not leaving a very good finish so Vaderstad have come with a Top Down which is a tined primary cultivator with E services which means all the machine depth and settings can be controlled via an iPad in the 8RX cab!! Tom explains the machine and the tech side and we see lots of close up footage of the Top Down in action.

I am in the JCB Fastrack with the Kuhn Aero pneumatic spreader on the back broadcasting a legume mix on top of previously cultivated ground for the SFI scheme which one of our contract farms has gone into. This scheme is paying farmers to grow food for birds and wildlife instead of food for us. The tractor is 13 years old so we have an after market GPS steering system and i show in detail how well it works.

Our Capulet beans are getting ready for harvesting so i have a short drone footage of Reuben spraying them off. These are the bean to make baked beans but at present we are growing to get as much seed as possible for other farmers to grow next year rather than send for canning. This is the only commercial crop of its kind in the UK.

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