JACQUEMUS REVIEW Grand Chiquito vs Grand Bambino

Описание к видео JACQUEMUS REVIEW Grand Chiquito vs Grand Bambino

JACQUEMUS REVIEW - Grand Chiquito vs Grand Bambino
Unboxing and Review of my Jacquemus bags - are they worth spending on?
Today's handbag review will have a closer look at the IT bags of Jacquemus -
the Grand Chiquito vs the Grande Bambino bag.

New Jacquemus Bag Review for La Vague here:    • Jacquemus Bag Review - La Vague vs Ba...  

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0:00 Intro
0:15 Jacquemus Grand Chiquito
2:46 How to wear - Jacquemus Grand Chiquito
3:40 What fit's inside - Jacquemus Grand Chiquito
4:25 Jacquemus Grand Bambino
8:20 How to wear - Jacquemus Grand Bambino
8:50 What fit's inside - Jacquemus Grand Bambino
10:22 Resumee

#jacquemusbagreview #jacquemusbag #luxurybagreviews #handbagreview

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Blog: https://styleappetite.com

◾️ Bag details ◾️
Grand Bambino in black https://bit.ly/3uPo4dt - very large version here https://bit.ly/3DtImwS and Small bambino https://bit.ly/3uvhnLp
Grand Chiquito in white https://bit.ly/3NJyt38
(Micro) Chiquito in white https://rstyle.me/cz-n/ffg5c6cbbm7
Chiquito in black https://rstyle.me/cz-n/ffg5e6cbbm7

◾️ Outfit details ◾️
I’m wearing:
Lime green shirt https://bit.ly/3fV9k55 similar here https://rstyle.me/cz-n/ffg45ncbbm7
Pants https://bit.ly/3fAbatz
DJ Quads-Early

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