Yukihiro Takahashi Interview (1982.10.28) [English Subtitles]

Описание к видео Yukihiro Takahashi Interview (1982.10.28) [English Subtitles]

This is the first in a series of YMO interviews that I plan to translate from Japanese to English, just because I really do feel like there needs to be more easily accessible English-language information on them.

This interview finds Takahashi sitting down comedian Tamori on the third ever episode of Telephone Shocking, a talk show that would not only go on to air every week until 2014, but would also go on to have members of YMO as guests many more times. Topics discussed include the recording of 'Naughty Boys' and Takahashi's nearsightedness. I'm pretty sure the actual interview is longer, but the video I found online cuts off after the first three minutes.

Since Japanese is not my primary language the translation might not be entirely accurate, however I am confident with about 90% of it. If anyone has any corrections they'd like to make in the comments, I'll add them to the description. I also slightly tweaked portions of the conversation to sound more natural in English.

The original, untranslated video can be found here:    • Видео  

Thank you to Fiverr user yumikod for assisting me with the translation.


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