Nice Things™️ for Front end devs with Storybook, Vite, Twig and Drupal / Web Tools / Lee Rowlands

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Nice Things™️ for Front end devs with Storybook, Vite, Twig and Drupal / Web Tools & Complementary Technologies / Lee Rowlands
Recorded: 14:00 Thu, 21 Mar 2024, Corinthian Room, DrupalSouth 2024 Sydney
Front end developers outside Drupal have lots of nice things:

* near instant reloading
* zero config setup for compiling sass/postcss to css
* zero config setup for transpiling Javascript
* component driven design with Storybook
* interaction testing.

For a long time it felt like these weren't possible with Drupal front-end development without secret sauce and workarounds or duplication of your markup between Drupal and a design system.

But with the release of Vite Plugin Twig Drupal everyone can have nice things with little effort.

In this lightning talk we will do a hands on demo of setting up a project for component driven design with Vite, Storybook and Twig.

You deserve nice things, and now you can have them!


Speakers: Lee Rowlands
Lee (larowlan) has been contributing to Drupal for over 15 years ( Lee is a major Drupal 8/9/10 contributor, starting the #PatchADay campaign which saw him contribute one patch a day for almost two years. Lee is been part of the Drupal core committer team in the role of Framework Manager, a member of the Drupal security team and passionate about code quality. Lee has worked on several of Australia's largest Drupal sites during his nearly 12 years as a Senior Developer with one of Australia's oldest Drupal agencies: PreviousNext.

Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio


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