Breathwork for Migraine: Shifting Your Nervous System So Your Body and Brain Can Heal

Описание к видео Breathwork for Migraine: Shifting Your Nervous System So Your Body and Brain Can Heal

It is my pleasure to introduce our very own Jessica Thurman, Board Certified Holistic Health Coach and Certified Breathwork Facilitator for Migraine Relief Code. We now know that Breathwork is the most powerful tool to shift our nervous system. Jessica will guide you through a relaxing session to shift your nervous system from chronic fight or flight over to parasympathetic so your body and brain can heal. The more you utilize this powerful tool, the more you will reap the benefits on so many levels! Enjoy! 🫶
If you want to learn about how to use Breath to shift your nervous system into Recovery, then join me for Yoga and Meditation for MIghraine classes here:


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After more than 20 years as a Stanford-trained Neurologist, I'm seeing a big problem out there. So many people with migraines are "powering through...". Gotta get the kids to soccer? Take some ibuprofen. Work deadline coming up? Pull out the prescription meds. I'm not judging ~ I totally get it, because I've done those things too. The problem is that when you get to the point where you're having 10 or more headache days a month, then your brain starts to physically change. It's kind of like laying down train tracks that make it easier for the "migraine train" to run through your head.
Instead of powering through, we need to listen to the pain signals and figure out to help the brain actually heal. Does the brain need different nutrients? Do we need to remove toxins? Rewire to the parasympathetic state of healing? We can use modern science to figure out exactly what we need in order to heal, and then we can monitor our bodies with devices to be sure we are making that happen.

Curious? Good! Join me for our Masterclass so I can explain it in more detail!

#breathwork #nervoussystemregulation #migrainerelief #stressrelief #parasympatheticnervoussystem


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