How to Make a Simple Watercolor Field Easel for a Tripod Mount

Описание к видео How to Make a Simple Watercolor Field Easel for a Tripod Mount

A simple, plein air, field easel suitable for location sketching and watercolor painting is really simple to make. I show you how to make this one which is light weight, inexpensive, easy to make and mounts to a standard camera tripod.

Global Arts Handmade Journal –


Easel Board – 17.5"x 12" x1/8"
(hardboard or masonite)

Bottom Lip – 19" x 3/4" x 3/8"
(solid hardwood such as oak or maple or hardwood plywood)

Back Mount Bracket/Support – 17.5" x [camera mount width] x 3/4"
(solid hardwood such as oak or maple or hardwood plywood)

Threaded Wood Insert – To accept 1/4 - 20 tripod mount threads

Wood Screws – length suitable for attaching lip and bottom mounting support to the easel board

Wood Glue

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