Crispin Glover in "The Best of Times" (1981)

Описание к видео Crispin Glover in "The Best of Times" (1981)

Crispin Glover plays Crispin, a hip young teen with a bunch of fun and crazy friends. It's kind of like if ABC tried to do Saved By The Bell ten years too soon with Crispin Glover as Zack Morris and Nicolas Coppola (most know him as Nic Cage now...) as A.C. Slater. It's kind of like that, because that's exactly what it is. Unfortunately for Crispin and the gang though, mobile phones aren't hip yet so they end up hanging around telephone booths a lot. It even features Crispin doing 4th wall breaking monologues to the audience.

In this scene Crispin runs down to his local 7-11 to buy the new Talking Heads album. For those that haven't seen the show, 7-11 is apparently where the kids hang out when they're not at the arcade. Speaking of, I've left a short clip at the end of this video so you can see Nic Coppola getting Pac-Man elbow and throwing off a cheap one-liner at said arcade. Later in the episode they have a Disneyesk song and dance moment back at the 7-11. It's one of many random acts of dancing sprinkled throughout the pilot and tends to show it's more lighthearted family side. FOX will eventually bring back the concept in a tighter form decades later with Glee, again proving it sucks to be ABC.

Featured in this episode is the character Kevin played by Kevin Cortes. As a word to Mr. Cortes, I enjoyed your performance as the "Screech" of this show. I was dismayed to read on IMDB that this was your first and only venture into show business. You have a familiar looking face and I was hoping to find you in some rare gem of a cheesy horror movie, but sadly you decided to end on a high note and I can't blame you. After all, these were "The Best of Times!!".


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