Earliest Way to Get A Muramasa | Perfect/Muramasa Run - Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night

Описание к видео Earliest Way to Get A Muramasa | Perfect/Muramasa Run - Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night

Like the swimming Wolf video, I'd already made this one too, but it might have been moved, and also... HD! It's great to have videos with non-shit quality now. And so now begins the long and arduous process of leveling this sword beyond Super Saiyan, and regaining the kind of "complete" file that I once almost had, only now more complete than ever, because last time I started in Luck Mode.

Also when I talk about "perfect level ups"... when you level up, you can either gain +1 to one stat, +1 to two stats, +2 to one stat, +1 to three stats, or +1 to all four stats. Also, MP either goes up by +4 or +5. A "perfect level up" would be getting +1 to all stats as well as +5 in MP.

Since there's 19 different stat level up combos:
1. +1 Str
2. +1 Con
3. +1 Int
4. +1 Lck
5. +1 Str & Con
6. +1 Str & Int
7. +1 Str & Lck
8. +1 Con & Int
9. +1 Con & Lck
10. +1 Int & Lck
11. +2 Str
12. +2 Con
13. +2 Int
14. +2 Lck
15. +1 Str, Con, & Int
16. +1 Con, Int, & Lck
17. +1 Int, Lck, & Str
18. +1 Lck, Int, & Con
19. +1 Str, Con, Int, & Lck)
...and also 2 different values your MP can increase by, that means you have a 1/38 chance for a "perfect level up".

It's A LOT of resetting...


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