RTN Optiox 600&900 Series Radio Link Commissioning

Описание к видео RTN Optiox 600&900 Series Radio Link Commissioning

The RTN series IP microwave radio is an all "IP" designed radio system with key Ethernet features supporting the Mobile Broadband Backhaul industry. Products include the RTN 905, RTN 910, RTN 950 and RTN 980 which are based on a modular design that supports multiple microwave radio paths in one platform.

The RTN microwave radio platform can support the future All-IP applications, while ensuring that each type of traffic has the appropriate E2E QoS. The platform can also provide transmission features that include high modulation, adaptive modulation, Ethernet "Header" compression to help our customers lower the cost per bit transmitted, helping reduce TCO.

RTN900 series consists of the RTN 910, RTN 950 and RTN 980. The RTN 910, 1U-high with two RF directions, is mainly used for access layer. The RTN 950 is 2U-high with multi-RF directions and is mainly used at the convergence layer. The RTN 980, a 5U-high Nodal system, can converge up to 13RF directions + 1 Add / Drop interface. All the RTN series microwave radios use the same type of Outdoor Units (ODUs) and antennas.


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