Robert Levitt, Social Entrepreneur on The Leaderonomics Show

Описание к видео Robert Levitt, Social Entrepreneur on The Leaderonomics Show

Mr. Levitt employs a unique investment philosophy that identifies developing global trends and recognizes the countries and their industries and companies, which will greatly benefit from these trends. Traditional money managers usually learn about a country, especially an emerging economy, by reading industry produced studies and visiting that country for 24 hours--meeting representatives of local companies in the suite of a posh hotel. Instead, when Mr. Levitt zeros on a country in which to invest, he relocates to that country (for a period of minimum 90 days) to attain an intimate understanding of the local culture. By steeping himself in the local everyday life, seeking to live as much as he can as a local, he attains a powerful knowledge of the country and its culture, which in turn enables him to make better investment decisions. Most recently, he has lived in Indonesia and Malaysia, as they have been his favorite investment regions. For many years, he has been a strong advocate of the growth potential and economic success of Indonesia and Malaysia. This has won him the attention of a major global TV network: CNBC where he is a frequent guest on their key programs in their studios in Asia, Europe and the U.S. He's also been frequently interviewed by The Edge, and BFM 89.9 Business Radio Malaysia, The Jakarta Globe and The Jakarta Post.


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