Metal Slug 5 Longplay (Neo Geo) [QHD]

Описание к видео Metal Slug 5 Longplay (Neo Geo) [QHD]

Game Info
Developer: SNK Playmore
Publisher: SNK Playmore
Year of Release: 2006

Game Review & Impressions
The fifth game in the long running series of run-and-gun shooters is something of a return to form. The weird Metallish system that featured in its predecessor is gone, and in its place...nothing. I think the key strength of Metal Slug 5 is it goes back to what the series was all about to begin with, which is some great shooting action, with varied locales showcasing some of the best 2D sprite-work to have ever existed.

In terms of new stuff, players get to pilot a new variant of the Special Vehicle, namely a squat bi-pedal mech equipped with minigun and pneumatic ram. This rotary cannon-packing refrigerator with oversized turret can even deploy a set of tank tracks for speedier movement when the need arises.

Overall, I feel Metal Slug 5 is a decent game. It still doesn't quite manage to capture the magic of the original, at least for me, but I had a good time with it, all the same.



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