Foundry VTT 5 Minute Self Hosting Guide: No Port Forwarding

Описание к видео Foundry VTT 5 Minute Self Hosting Guide: No Port Forwarding

Hello everyone, this is a short video on how you can easily set up self-hosting for Foundry VTT using the software ngrok. This solution requires no port forwarding and only requires the software to be present on the host's computer. As a note, before self-hosting you'll want to check the upload speed of your connection. If your upload speed is slow, less than 10 Megabits/s, you may want to pursue other server options.

Ngrok Website:

Step by Step Guide.
1.) Download and unzip Ngrok into it's own folder. Create an account at this time.
2.) Double click the .exe file in the folder.
3.) Open a power shell window by shift clicking
4.) Enter the line of code relevant to your auth token
5.) Enter the line of code relevant to your port for Foundry. The default port is 30000
So the code would look like this unless you changed your port: ./ngrok http 30000
6.) Start Foundry
7. Go back to the account page, go to status, go to tunnels, copy the url and share it with your players.

If you have trouble and aren’t able to see the tunnels. Try starting Foundry before typing in the line of code in step number 5 and then repeat step 5.

Credit for this video goes to the Reddit User: redkatt as well as a few others for letting me know about this solution.


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