Missile Attack on Russia's Crimean Bases! Coal Mine Has Become End of Russia!

Описание к видео Missile Attack on Russia's Crimean Bases! Coal Mine Has Become End of Russia!

The Russian forces have taken control of the coal mines in the eastern regions of Ukraine. However, they also suffered significant losses in the process.
The Ukrainian forces managed to mount an effective counterattack against the Russian forces.
The Ukrainian forces have inflicted significant losses on the Russian forces.
The Ukrainian forces are advancing in their counterattack.
The Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has called for the neutralization of the Crimean Bridge.
The tension on the territory of Ukraine continues to increase without slowing down.
The Ukrainian forces are trying to completely liberate many areas where the Russians settled.
The offensive operations are proceeding slower than expected.
The Russian President Putin argues that the war in Ukraine will be won no matter what.
The Ukrainian forces were conducting successful operations, the Russians began to lose their lands.


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