How to make a paper Pokemon Charizard (or an orange dragon with wings). 3D origami tutorial

Описание к видео How to make a paper Pokemon Charizard (or an orange dragon with wings). 3D origami tutorial

(We need: 523 orange, 111 yellow, 8 bright yellow, 90 blue, 7 red, 12 white pieces 1/32 and glue)
Let me show you how to make a paper Pokemon Charizard (or an orange dragon with wings) in the art 3D origami. Charizard is a dual-type Fire/Flying Pokémon. Also Charizard reminds fantasy fiery dragon. You can make Charizard your own hands.
Charizard is the author's work Oksana Vershigora.

We need to assemble Pokémon (dragon) 751 pieces size of 1/32.
Charizard’s height is 20 cm. Charizard’s width is 25.5 cm.

How to make the pieces 1/32 see here:    • How to Fold Pieces Faster Tutorial - ...  

0:26 1st row collect up the short side, others collect long

1st row make 7 yellow, 15 orange
2nd row make 6 yellow, 16 orange
3rd row make 7 yellow, 15 orange
4th row is 6 yellow, the rest are orange

Making the "barrel" with yellow breast.
And 4 times (7, 6 yellow).
Then 5, 4, 3 yellow and 1 row from orange

Making a row of 15 orange. Almost all the pieces to dress on 3 corner

Making a row of 15 orange again.

Making the neck in the middle of the breast.
The pieces put on reverse side.

Three times by (5, 4)

3, 2, 3, 2, 3

7:53 Making the head. 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4

Making the horns: 2 and 2 orange

Bend the neck and attach the head

10:12 Making the tail: yellow dress conversely. (4 orange and 3 yellow) 3 times

(3 orange and 2 yellow) 4 times

(2 orange and 1 yellow) 4 times

and 5 times respectively 1 orange

13:31 Making the flame of 7 red and 8-yellow

15:04 Make the wing.
Repeat after us.Pause and rewind, if necessary

There are 9 blue in the center

and there are 9 blue in the center

Here are 8 blue in the center of row
and add 2, 1 and 1

Total the wing will have 45 blue and 27 orange

20:50 Making the second wing in mirror image
(You can turn the first wing as the sample)

That's what we have to have

26:17 Making the lower paws (4, 3, 4, 3)

We made 2 paws

27:14 Making the upper paws:
3, 2, 1 and 4 times (2, 1)

1 orange and make fingers: 3 orange, 3 white

We made 2 paws

Glue legs, wings and tail

Making the eyes of paper and stick it

30:18 The paper Pokemon Charizard is ready!

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How to make Charmander see here:    • How to make a paper pokemon Charmande...  

And now you know how to make a paper Charizard (a paper Dragon) in the art 3D origami (modular origami). Use this video as a master class in the assembly a paper Charizard (a paper Dragon).

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