The BEST Specs In 10.1.7 Dragonflight PvP! (TIER LIST)

Описание к видео The BEST Specs In 10.1.7 Dragonflight PvP! (TIER LIST)

New tier list for Dragonflight 10.1.7 PvP, feel free to comment what you agree / disagree with and why in the comments. Keep it civil!

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0:00 10.1.7 PvP Tier List
0:24 Mage (Fire/Frost/Arcane)
3:03 Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)
4:27 Monk (Windwalker/Mistweaver)
5:58 Evoker (Devastation/Augmentation/Preservation)
7:34 Priest (Shadow/Discipline/Holy)
8:23 Paladin (Retribution/Holy)
9:16 Rogue (Subtly/Assasination/Outlaw)
11:07 Hunter (Survival/Beastmastery/Marksmanship)
12:17 Too many A-tier specs?!
12:36 Shaman (Elemental/Enhancement/Restoration)
13:12 Demon Hunter (Havoc)
13:57 Warrior (Arms/Fury)
14:25 Warlock (Affliction/Destruction/Demonology)
15:28 Druid (Restoration/Balance/Feral)

Don't forget to leave a comment and like the video if you enjoyed it ❤️

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