Webinar: Innovating together for a sustainable Blue Economy

Описание к видео Webinar: Innovating together for a sustainable Blue Economy

This video is a compilation of the 2 open webinars that took place on 7 & 8 July 2022.
In this expert session, Maria Loloni, Maritime Programme Lead at Climate-KIC, will take you through the basics of the Blue Economy, the challenges and opportunities facing the sector, and hear from special guest entrepreneurs from our network who will share their experiences in starting a climate-friendly Blue Economy business:

• Polina Vasilenko, Founder & CEO, HelioRec
HelioRec transforms unused water space into simple floating solar farms.

• Marta Vania Uetela, Founder and Industrial Designer, BioMec (https://biomec.co.mz/en/home-english/)
BioMec takes ocean plastics and transforms them into affordable high-quality prosthetics.

• Cristina Aleixendri, Co-Founder Bound4Blue
Bound4Blue develops autonomous rigid sail technologies for sea vessels.

0:00 Intro
12:21 Maria Loloni
59:01 Polina Vasilenko, HelioRec
1:27:10 Marta Vania Uetela, BioMec
1:32:18 Cristina Aleixendri, Bound4Blue


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