Continuous Mercury Emission Monitoring with Long-term Sampling on Sorption Traps - Experiences

Описание к видео Continuous Mercury Emission Monitoring with Long-term Sampling on Sorption Traps - Experiences

For the continuous monitoring of mercury emissions, it has been so far common in Germany and Europe to use mercury analysers that can continuously measure mercury emissions in real time, so called Hg-CEMs. In the USA, a long-term sampling method on sorption traps has also been used for several years to continuously monitor Hg emissions.

In the BAT Reference document (BREF) for "Large combustion plants", which was published in July 2017, this method is also mentioned as a possible alternative to the use of mercury CEMs. By reducing the mercury emission limit values (ELV´s) in the future, such long-term sampling systems for mercury can be a good alternative to simply and precisely record mercury emissions in the range of 1 µg / Nm3. This would make it easy to monitor the above-mentioned annual emission values of 1 - 2 µg / Nm3. This type of Hg emission monitoring is also described as a possible solution in for certain plants in the published BREF conclusions for "Waste incineration".

Due to the increased interest of this method in Europe, the WG8 of the TC264 has adapted the method to European standardization standards in recent years and published it as CEN / TS 17286.

This presentation describes the use of the long-term sampling system AMESA M in a waste incineration plant with exhaust gas temperatures of approx. 200 ° C. The results of the long-term sampling system were compared with the measurements of an installed mercury CEMs and the standard reference method. In addition to the clean gas, an Hg analyzer was also installed in the raw gas before the flue gas cleaning devices. The goal was to analyze and optimize the efficiency the flue gas cleaning system during various waste loading. In dieser Präsentation wird auch auf die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen eingegangen. In this presentation also the results of these investigations are presented.

Mercury CEMS solutions:
Stack Emission monitoring (CEMS):

Curtesy: ILM Exhibitions / CEM 2022 conference


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