Morriston Orpheus Choir - Hiraeth (montage) - tribute to the late Ken Williams

Описание к видео Morriston Orpheus Choir - Hiraeth (montage) - tribute to the late Ken Williams

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from the 1976 EMI album
"The Very Best of Welsh Choirs"
EMC 3099

Solo tenor: Ken Williams
Conductor: Eurfryn John, ARCO, LRAM, ATCL
Accompanist: Jennie Sims, LRAM

Dwedwch fawrion o wybodaeth
O ba beth a gwnaethpwyd hiraeth
A pha ddefnydd a roedd ynddo
Na ddarfyddo wrth ei wisgo ?

Derfydd aur a derfydd arian
Derfydd melfed derfydd sidan
Derfydd pob dilledyn helaeth
Eto er hyn ni dderfydd hiraeth

Hiraeth mawr a hiraeth creulon
Hiraeth sydd yn torri 'nghalon
Pan fwyf dryma'r nos yn cysgu
Fe ddaw hiraeth ac a'm deffry

(Hiraeth hiraeth cilia cilia
Paid a phwyso mor drwm arna'
Nesa dipyn at y erchwyn
Gad i mi gael cysgu gronyn)

English lyrics:

Tell me oh wise ones
Of what stuff is hiraeth made?
And what substance is put into it
That it never fades from being worn

Gold fades and silver fades
Velvet fades silk fades
Every sort of clothing fades
And yet hiraeth doesn't fade

Great Hiraeth cruel hiraeth
Hiraeth tears at my heart
When I'm sleeping deeply at night
Hiraeth comes and wakes me

(Hiraeth hiraeth away away
Don't weigh so heavily on me
Go a little nearer to the edge
Let me have a little bit of sleep)


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