BULLY AE | Alpha Theo Recreation (no bug in the hair part)

Описание к видео BULLY AE | Alpha Theo Recreation (no bug in the hair part)

credits : ‪@alexrk8003‬
author : ‪@alexrk8003‬ ‪@RiizaallXD‬ just fixed the hair part bug

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It is recommended to use 720p or 1080p graphics (English)
Disarankan menggunakan grafis 720p atau 1080p (Indonesian)
link download? : Top comment

How to instal (English)
Cara masang (Indonesian)
   • Tutorial put texture bully  

Hope you like the mod I made
Don't just take the mod, at least subscribe first (English)
Semoga kalian suka dengan mod yang saya buat
Jangan asal ambil modnya, minimal subscribe dulu (Indonesian)

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