Жители рассказали, что тротуары были заросли травой, и никто их не расчищал до тех пор, пока

Описание к видео Жители рассказали, что тротуары были заросли травой, и никто их не расчищал до тех пор, пока

Hello everyone!
This is a new sidewalk but no one cares to clean it, leaving the grass growing wildly, spoiling the beauty of the street. The sidewalk is left with grass growing for thousands of meters. Today we randomly cleared about 100 meters of grass growing on the sidewalk. We are still cleaning the rest until both sides of the sidewalk corridor of this road are completely clear of grass and trash.
We clean the grass, classify the inorganic waste into bags for transport and disposal. We collect the grass and organic waste in a safe place to decompose.
We volunteer to clean up and hope to contribute a small part of our efforts to help the community. We hope to receive active support from all of you so that we can strengthen our tools, machinery and equipment to serve the cleaning work to benefit society.
#lawn #overgrown #grass #cleaning #cleanup #sidewalks


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