[2nd Place] Indie Film Music Contest 2022: Time Trap | Friedrich Gattermann

Описание к видео [2nd Place] Indie Film Music Contest 2022: Time Trap | Friedrich Gattermann

My official entry for this year's indie film music contest.

Time Trap

by Michael Shanks


Thank you so much for providing this great short film! It was a lot of fun to write the music for it.
If you want to know more about the contest visit: https://indiefilmmusiccontest.com

Feel free to give some feedback in the comment section. If you have any questions regarding what libraries and sounds I used or what ever, hit me up :)

I went for a dark comedy approach because of all the dark and humoristic elements in the film. I combined some classic orchestral elements with synthesizers to match the overall setting of the film.

Friedrich Gattermann
instagram:   / friedrich_gattermann  
facebook:   / friedrich.gattermann  
mail: [email protected]

Good luck to all the other participants!

#filmmusic #contest #indiefilmmusiccontest #ifmc #indiefilmmusicconest2022


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