墨爾本肇風中樂團 41週年音樂會 《再攀高峰》整場音樂會 Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 41st Anniversary Concert (Full concert)

Описание к видео 墨爾本肇風中樂團 41週年音樂會 《再攀高峰》整場音樂會 Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 41st Anniversary Concert (Full concert)

指揮Conductor:陳一平 Yat Ping Chan
陳劭航 Aaron Chan
地點Concert venue:Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School Performing Arts Centre

2023年8月27日,肇風中樂團呈獻:《再攀高峰》音樂會以慶祝樂團成立41週年。音樂會用中國傳統樂器演奏古今名曲,包括著名的紅樓夢選曲,及近代流行作品, 通過美麗的音符帶大家暢遊天山,泰山及風景優美的旅遊勝地。

《Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra’s 41st Anniversary Concert》
Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra was marking its 41st anniversary with a concert featuring both classic and modern pieces played on traditional Chinese instruments. The programme includes famous selections from Dream of the Red Chamber as well as contemporary pieces. Through these beautiful melodies, the orchestra will take the audience on a captivating journey to breathtaking places such as Tianshan and Mount Tai.

節目表 Programme :
《天山盛會》 Grand Festival at Tianshan
《紅樓夢組曲(一)嘆紅樓》 Dream of the Red Chamber Suite 1 - The Red Chamber Lament
《紅樓夢組曲(八)葬花吟》 Dream of the Red Chamber Suite 8 - Burial of Flowers

(二)中阮獨奏Zhongruan Solo: 《劍器》Swords

(三):揚琴三重奏Yangqin Trio:
《在水一方》One Side of the Water
《外婆的澎湖灣》Grandma's Penghu Bay
(四)高音鍵笙與樂隊Sheng Concerto: 《鵝鑾鼻之春》 Spring in Eluanbi
(五)室內樂Chamber Music: 《魔法公主》Princess Mononoke
(六)《雪蓮花》 Snow Lotus
(七)《泰山頌》 Ode of Mount Tai
第一樂章: 日出 1st movement: “Sunrise"
第二樂章: 遠望 2nd movement: "Distant View"
第三樂章: 松濤 3rd movement: "Sound of Pine Waves"
第四樂章: 攀登4th movement: "Climbing"
《權御天下》Sun Quan the Emperor

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 肇風中樂團 thank the University of Melbourne provides rehearsal venue since 1982 when Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra was founded! We also thank the following volunteers for their time and effort to produce the videos!
Audio recording: Tom Harman, Oliver Fleming,
Tim Rangi, Lachlan Kenny,
William Lawson, Jan Wong
Sound Mix: Numpark Sribanditmongkol
Video recording: Peter Guan, Lisa Guan
Video editing: Xiao Jin Ling
Recording Equipment: RMIT and CFCO




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