What if Year 2020 Disappeared? + more videos |

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What if Year 2020 Disappeared?
Firstly, COVID-19 pandemic shattered the lives of millions of people worldwide, if 2020 disappeared, this might prove to be the best news for humanity.
Secondly, A circumbinary planet, a planet that orbits two stars instead of one was discovered, if 2020 disappeared, scientists would be extremely disappointed.
Thirdly, Dow Jones fell by the most points in History on 16th March, if 2020 disappeared, Stock Traders would be one happy lot.
Fourthly, Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was canceled due to COVID-19, if 2020 disappeared, Singing Fans would be one happy lot.
Lastly, Bhadla Solar Park, the world's largest solar park is commissioned in India, if 2020 disappeared, solar energy fans would be one sad lot.


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