Shopping will never fulfill us and here's why | minimalism

Описание к видео Shopping will never fulfill us and here's why | minimalism

We tend to run to this very “normal habit” as an escape, a distraction, or even just for fun. But, is it really fulfilling us? Or is leaving us wanting and craving MORE? Is it actually draining us? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. I love to hear them.

I have found so much freedom by becoming more self aware with my purchasing and being mindful of the WHY behind my shopping. Am I shopping or buying this for the right or wrong reason? That is a question I find great value in.

Thank you for all your continued support. Sending all my love and light as always🤍

“Minimalism is not a lack of something. It’s simply the perfect amount of something.” – Nicholas Burroughs

Music- Christopher Galovan


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