A window to spiritual world: Govardhan Eco Village (Part 1)

Описание к видео A window to spiritual world: Govardhan Eco Village (Part 1)

Govardhan eco village (GEV) is a miracle that many of us are not really aware of. The moment you step your first step in GEV it will fill your heart with unimaginable bliss. This short documentary video describes the Brahmotsav festival which was celebrated on 24th April 2016 at GEV

Special Thanks to GEV FB page:(https://www.facebook.com/radhavrindav...) for beautiful images of the festival, Abhijit Rane prabhuji(Ratnagiri) for providing videos, images. Pulkit Khuarna prabhuji (Vrindavan) for beautiful vrindavan photos, Rupamanjiri mataji for images.


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