2 Lane Grasshopper jump in Game Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 | M13

Описание к видео 2 Lane Grasshopper jump in Game Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 | M13

Hey guys #M13 trying to attempt the 2 Lane #Grasshopper jump from the movie Need for Speed (2014) #NeedforSpeed. #M13 tried many times, but could not capture it in different angles. Here are 4 of the #best jumps captured in only two angles. I've used clip from the movie to give a bit of #context and added the jumps in rerun. Hope you like. Stay tuned for next #races of #Tesla #Roadster #Sport

LET'S BURN RUBBER. #LetsBurnSomeRubber

Screen Recording: Windows 10 Xbox Game bar.
Editing: Da Vinci Resolve 17 free version.

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