Luke and Noah 241 Final Scene Sept. 16, 2010.divx

Описание к видео Luke and Noah 241 Final Scene Sept. 16, 2010.divx

Yikes! They managed to wrap things up in less than ten minutes. . . Ta-Dah!

Next Confirmed Day: Friday September 17 (Van Only) The Final Show. The show jumps ahead in time a little, which may help to give the viewers more closure?

It has come to my attention that some video uploads in September have been cut short. There has actually been a minute or so lost from the end of any video with the time length of 9.07 Min. due to upload problems or processing. There are about 15 videos in all with this problem. I will try to get new videos uploaded (and hope YT processes them at their correct length) so I can replace them in the Luke and Noah play list.

Here is Nelson Branco's wonderful INTERVIEW with Eric Sheffer Stevens. . .

The Jake Silbermann Interview -- As the World Turns

Eric/Reid fans can donate to Doctors Without Borders in his name at this site.

SPOILER ALERT!!! . . . Spoilers collected at Luke and Noah Wiki
Luke visits Chris and Katie and Katie gives Luke Reid's stethoscope (
Luke and Chris bond when Luke listens to Reid's heart beating in Chris' chest (
Luke and Chris bond
Chris is determined the make the most of his second chance at life


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