Charles Spuegeon Sermon - "The Immutability of God" - Malachi 3:6.

Описание к видео Charles Spuegeon Sermon - "The Immutability of God" - Malachi 3:6.

On January 7th of 1855, the Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon at New Park Street Chapel titled: “The Immutability of God”.

Spurgeon was at this time, a 20 years old preacher who was taking the first steps at the ministery. His youth and limited experience did not hinder him from delivering this God-centered homily.

The text in which Spurgeon preached from was Malachi 3:6 which reads like this in the King James Version: “I am the Lord, I change not; therefore, ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

The message emphasized in this sermon is God’s immutability, which is simply His freedom from change and His being the same at all times—past, present, and future.


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