How to Make Better Faster Decisions - Victor Gichun interviews Decision Scientist, Dr Alan Barnard

Описание к видео How to Make Better Faster Decisions - Victor Gichun interviews Decision Scientist, Dr Alan Barnard

Victor Gichun recently interviewed Dr Alan Barnard, one of the leading Decision Scientists and Theory of Constraints experts, for his "The Contributors" Podcast series.

In this interview, Dr. Barnard shared his insights on how people can make better faster decisions in a complex world.
Some of the key questions answered are:

What is Constraint Theory and how can we use it to make better faster decisions?

What is the ultimate constraint?

How do you better exploit and not waste your limited attention?

How do you achieve the focus and fast feedback you say we need to succeed?

Why is multitasking bad not just for productivity, but also cash flow and profitability?

Why do we multitask and how to quit this bad habit?

Why do good people often make and repeat bad decisions?

How do you make impossible decisions and achieve impossible goals?

How did you become a decision scientist?

Why is it so important to believe you can succeed?


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