3 Keys to Asking and Receiving From God

Описание к видео 3 Keys to Asking and Receiving From God

Have you ever wondered if you’re missing out on blessings simply because you haven’t asked for them? In this inspiring video, Terri Savelle Foy, your cheerleader of dreams, shares a powerful message about the importance of asking big and believing in the abundance God wants to give you. Terri begins with a captivating story about Miss Fields, a major donor to Northwestern University, who once gave $1 million to the University of Chicago simply because they asked. This story sets the stage for a profound lesson: “You have not because you ask not.”

Terri shares personal experiences and insights, revealing how God corrected her on the importance of asking for big things in prayer. She emphasizes that God encourages us to ask boldly and with confidence, promising that those who ask will receive.

By the end of this video, you’ll be inspired to dream big, ask boldly, and take practical steps toward achieving your dreams. Don’t miss Terri’s empowering message that will encourage you to unlock the abundance and blessings God has in store for you.

If you're ready to take the next step and learn how to ask big, Terri's newest book, **Ask Big**, is available for your gift of any amount. This powerful book will stir your faith and increase your expectations for all that God has created for you. Head over to https://www.terri.com/product/ask-big/ or call the number on your screen to request your copy today. Don't delay—get ready for the new blessings and breakthroughs that are coming your way!


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