Editorial With Sujit Nair | Party Hoppers: What It Does To Indian Politics?

Описание к видео Editorial With Sujit Nair | Party Hoppers: What It Does To Indian Politics?

In this episode of 'Editorial,' Mr. Sujit Nair delves into the perception that politicians regard voters as fools. He highlights the recent political move of Congress spokesperson Prof. Gourav Vallabh joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), citing his reluctance to "abuse wealth creators." Mr. Nair questions the sincerity of Vallabh's stance, pondering whether while he was in the Congress, was his “abuse to the wealth creator” solely motivated by ambitions for a political ticket or to enhance his status within the party. Vallabh's decision to switch parties came after expressing dissatisfaction with the Congress Party's current direction, citing discomfort with certain positions it has taken.

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