Poor Millionaire: Swindled by family and unscrupulous lawyers

Описание к видео Poor Millionaire: Swindled by family and unscrupulous lawyers

NTV brought you the story of a Kenyan athlete who fell prey to a self-styled financial advisor and lawyer who ended up defrauding him of his millions.

Poor Millionaire focused on the sad story of double world indoor 1,500 metre silver medalist Daniel Kipchirchir Komen, who made the country proud in middle and long distance races across the world. His rags to riches and back to rags story evoked emotions in the Kenyan public.

The ethics and anti-corruption commission is currently investigating lawyer and Uasin Gishu county assembly speaker Isaac Terer on the matter.

Another victim of a con game involving a huge estate has drawn a succession battle in court that has lasted almost a decade.

In part 2 of poor millionaire, NTVs Dennis Okari follows the case of a woman fighting for what she claims rightfully belongs to her and a trail of documents proving how people she trusted crossed the red line forcing an inheritance battle. Here is part one of Poor Millionaire 2.

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