The World of MtG Deck Archetypes

Описание к видео The World of MtG Deck Archetypes

There are countless number of different decks you can construct when playing Magic: the Gathering. While each deck is a beautiful and unique snowflake, we tend to also use common language when describing them as a quick shorthand for communicating what a deck is and wants to do.

If you have ever been confused by words like "aggro", "control", or "midrange", then this video is for you!

Next week we are going to cover getting into competitive magic and preparing for your first tournament! If there's anything you'd like to see covered in that, please let me know in the comments :)

00:00 Intro
00:57 Aggro
03:01 Control
05:32 Midrange
09:16 Combo
11:03 Typal
12:11 Voltron
13:27 Stax
15:14 Group Hug
16:39 Outro

If you enjoyed this and want to find me elsewhere, I am on these platforms as well :)

If you'd like more info on the names of different color pairs, check that out in this video:
   • Guide to MtG Color Combos  

#mtg #newplayers


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