Move Through the Path of Least Resistance (for Human Design Projectors)

Описание к видео Move Through the Path of Least Resistance (for Human Design Projectors)

Move Through the Path of Least Resistance (for Human Design Projectors) 🕊 Dear Projectors - aren't you EXHAUSTED from hustling?!! Have you been working your whole life to fit into a structure that is not built for you? The key to unleashing your natural magnetism is to move through the past of least resistance.

To my beloved human design projectors - stop trying so hard.

Fellow Human Design Projector, Jamila Taylor (aka The Abundance Factor), and I will dive into what it means to flow through life with ease rather than effort. Even if you aren't a human design projector, this conversation will still be relevant to those desire a softer life and anyone who is interested in expressing more feminine energy. Trust yourself and move through the path of least resistance - you will feel, breathe, and BE better than ever before!

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Nervous system, feminine energy, & working more deliciously
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Venmo: @scienceandmagic

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#ScienceAndMagic #WorkDeliciously #moneyandpleasure

© Copyright Amanda Leaveck LLC. Amanda Leaveck LLC Disclaimer: The information and practices on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any illness and and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care. Amanda Leaveck LLC and it's agents are not mental/medical health practitioners or mental/medical health providers and is not holding itself out to be in any capacity. Amanda Leaveck LLC and it's agents are not providing counseling or therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical or mental ailment. As with any exercise program, you take the risk of personal injury when you practice yoga. Please be mindful and listen to your body. By voluntarily participating in these practices, you acknowledge this risk and release Amanda Leaveck LLC from any liability.


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