CC382. Clinical Tips CIII FS

Описание к видео CC382. Clinical Tips CIII FS


In Class III deep bite cases, it is very helpful to differentiate them by Dr. John Lin’s three rings of Class III diagnosis. When patients were diagnosed in Class III malocclusion with functional shift, both cephalometric radiographs of C.O and C.R position should be taken.

Extraction or non-extraction is depended on if there was enough space for retraction. Bite turbos and early light short elastics could help early improvement of anterior cross bite. Buccal shelf bony screws are effective in retracting whole mandibular dentition to correct Class III malocclusion.



拔不拔牙需評估是否有足夠空間讓牙齒往後移動,咬合墊高與早期力量較小的橡皮筋可以幫助改善早期前牙錯咬的情形。Buccal shelf 矯正骨釘可將整個下顎齒列往後位移,對於改善第三類咬合不正,是非常有效的方法。


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