Risk of Rain 2's New DLC is HORRIBLE...

Описание к видео Risk of Rain 2's New DLC is HORRIBLE...

It may be kind of old news by now, especially as the DLC has been out for over a week but man did I have to come back to the channel just to talk about this new DLC for ROR2. DLC 2 for Risk of Rain 2, Seekers of the Storm dropped last week, and it’s been an absolute circus of events from the new developers and owners of the IP, Gearbox. We all already knew the reputation of Gearbox, especially in the last few years but I and many others were cautiously optimistic about this DLC, especially with the little bits they kept showing us up to its release, which made it seem much grander and ‘epic’ than the first DLC made by Hopoo Games. I’ll admit, I had my hopes up and even if the DLC was bad, I thought it’d be okay as the game itself would still remain the same and I’d just get a bit of extra content in addition to some new survivors. What I didn’t know is that Gearbox would not only release a pretty middling DLC, of which the details I’ll discuss in just a second but the patch that released alongside it, would break the entire base game, even making the amazing game drop out of it’s super high review category on Steam.


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